After seeing some of my friends are regularly keeping blogs I feel it is time to resurrect my old blog. As you can see (if you are bored enough to look at my old posts) that I haven't written on here in almost three years so probably about time to update things.
Now I think one of the reasons why I never kept up to date with this blog is because I could never think of anything interesting enough to write about...either that or I am just very very lazy, probably a combination of the two to be honest. But now I will change one of those things...laziness is out of the window and it is time to bore you fine people of the internet reading right now with uninteresting nonsense that spouts from my merry mind once again.
What am I going to write about I hear you ask? I have absolutely no blithering idea and am going to keep writing until something comes to mind..................................(too many dots?)..................(nah didn't think so either)....................
Oh I know what I can talk to you merry people about is what I first created this blog to do in the first place...*cue dramatic news music* (Please feel free to hum the music out loud, it might make the next bit more fun) it's time to find out what's been happening with my left knee (also read the last part with a bit of a rhythm as I am in my head, it definitely makes it more interesting, you could even try and combine it the dramatic news music going on in your head as well). Now we've had a little musical/rhythmical interlude I can delay the information no longer. Oh, if you are unsure as to what happened to my knee in the first place then you'll have to go back to the start of my posts, there is quite a detailed and graphic description. *Disclaimer* The description may only seem graphic to me because I can remember it happening so please don't come crying to me when you don't find it at all graphic in the slightest. There we go, I think I successfully saved myself a big law suit. Where was I? Ahh yes, the dramatic news music...well my left knee has unfortunately had to be removed and replaced with a small hinge that only works on a semi-regular basis.
Is that gasps of shock I hear from you? Especially those of you who have known me for a good few years and never knew this about me...well that is probably because it was a bald faced lie. I have no semi-regularly working hinge for a knee, I just have a normal boring semi-regularly working knee that is still in recovery because I was too lazy to fully rebuild the muscles around it. My own fault so now I have to deal with a knee that clicks incessantly and that can't be in the same position for too long without it ceasing up and becoming rather painful. I think I would prefer to have the small hinge if I'm being would probably creak less.
I think that's about as much boredom I can inflict on you for one evening but I will try my hardest to try and bore you on a more regular basis than once every three years but I can't promise anything.
(Oh and you can stop humming your dramatic news music if any of you are hardcore enough to still be humming it (or did it in the first place))