I do like to generalise things, it makes them so much easier to analyse even if the analysis is wrong but as I said to a very good friend the other day, if you say something with enough confidence and conviction then people will generally listen to you. It's the way a con artist works, you want to believe them because they sound so convincing even if every part of your common sense is screaming at you to stop. For some reason you more often than not get drawn into what they're saying.
Slight change of subject now as I've just received what is one of the bains of my life through working from home. The phone ringing...made worse by the fact every time you answer or put down the phone in this house it breaks the Internet connection, it might be the case for everyone but I'm not techhy enough to know these sort of things. Now when I finally do get around to answering the phone it is always something pointless, like a telemarketer to which they ask for someone here, I say they're not around and they say they'll back another time. I would say this happens on average about three times a day five days a week. Now I know what you might be thinking; why don't you just leave the phone ringing? Well I would do that but then I think what if it isn't a cold call, what if it's something important or I really have just won one million pounds and they are genuinely ringing the house phone that I don't give out as my number to let me know about it...you just never know. And besides we have once again signed up to the little gem that is TPS (Telephone Preference Service) The cold callers crap themselves when you say that, I don't think I've heard the phone being put down quicker.
Anyway back to my original subject of what life is. Well in a way my little detour has actually fit in quite nicely, so many people try to define life and try to say they know what is it like for everyone, (I'm not one of these people although it does fit in nicely with my preference to generalise) but I'm not one of them. Well I don't think I am anyway, I might be, who knows...well I should know but I don't...I'm lost. Ahh yes what is life, well to me at moment life is pretty good but overall I would say life is one big old opportunity to rant to whoever will listen...and this is no exception. I have had my little rant about cold callers and put it out there for anyone who wants to find out about it. If you have an opinion on the matter in hand then feel free to let know, also feel free to let me know if you disagree with my opinion of what life is. I'm not saying my opinion is right, I'm just saying how I feel about it right now with reference to my life. I don't think I'm making much sense here but if I am then it's a bonus. Ciao for now.
(BTW don't forget Guys and Dolls Burgess Hall St Ives 29th-31st May)